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Own your own Shape Shop

Shape Shop is built on the principle of making it as easy as possible for women to use resistance weight-training for exercise in a supportive, women's only group setting.

Now we can apply the same principle to Studio ownership…making it as easy as possible for you to own your very own Shape Shop fitness studio.

Linda - Shape Shop co founder

Our Mission & Vision

Shape Shop NZ's aim is to assist women who want to own and run their own fitness business achieve their goal.  Our mission is to ‘help women help women’.


We ensure studio ownership is as straightforward as possible, even for those with little or no previous business experience, enabling more women around NZ to train in an environment they enjoy, becoming fit, strong and healthy.

Sit Ups

What We Know

After 3 years of trialing different fitness studio offers, Shape Shop NZ has perfected a system to profitably deliver group fitness and personal training to female clients in the 35 - 60 age range.  We targeted this market due to the belief that facilities and options for this niche are under catered, most of these clients have disposable income and are very aware of the benefits of fitness and exercise.  

The system is transferable to any prospective fitness studio owner targeting a similar demographic, therefore doing away with the need to spend years experimenting with varying business models which costs time and profit.

The system enables fitness studio owners to begin building a successful and profitable business from day one.

Kettle Ball Squats

What's Different To Any Other Women's Gym?

Here’s what we know that makes Shape Shop different from any other gym (including other women’s only gyms).


  • Creating a safe, social, non-judgemental environment  for women - where they gain an understanding of resistance weight training and why it’s good for them - particularly their demographic.

  • Community & collective spirit

  • Like minded trainers (it’s important as a licensee & owner/trainer that you fall into a similar demographic). This reaffirms that the Studio is a safe space, non-judgemental and confidential.

  • We also take a very specific interest in our clients and can relate, this includes talking to them about anything (not just training!).

  • No contracts & no joining fees

  • We provide accountability, where other gyms operate a ‘join and forget’ model

  • Every client is different and deserves a customised approach based on their needs (particularly for that demographic where injuries & illness can play a part in what they require).


Running Machine


Setting up a fitness studio from scratch can be a daunting prospect. There’s a lot to learn, not only about fitness, but about running your own business.  You’re probably not an expert in fitness equipment, studio design, marketing, accounting and administration.  So Shape Shop NZ is here to help.


Our aim is to make studio ownership easy and accessible, and to support licensees throughout the process. Allowing you to focus on what you do best and removing business admin and marketing time.

Shape Shop NZ provides studio set up assistance along with ongoing marketing, back office administration and nutrition support to studio owners.  This ranges from preliminary investigation ideas & forecasting tools at the pre-license phase, to assistance provided to licensees including:

Shape Shop Manual

Use of the Shape Shop NZ ‘how to run your fitness studio’ manual


Use of Shape Shop NZ training and administration templates.

Discounted Equipment

Access to high quality equipment with discounted prices available to licensees.  This equipment is specifically designed to allow studios to train using Shape Shop NZ supervised group training templates.


New license owners ‘how to run supervised group training sessions’ 1-2 day training package at the Shape Shop NZ model studio.


Marketing strategy, social media and campaign set up. As well as ongoing management of you social media, Facebook & Google campaigns.


Back office administration set up including all Shape Shop invoicing templates (Xero). As well as an ongoing invoicing and reconciliation service.


Access for yourself and your members to a members only private Facebook page providing nutrition and meal preparation advice. This is centralised and run by Shape Shop NZ, and is constantly added to and refreshed. This saves licensees time & effort researching resources.

Other Documents & Support

Access to a wide range of other documents, including the ‘12 steps to great nutrition’. We'll always be available to offer any other support required as well.


1. Register Your Interest

Let's catch up

We’ll be back in contact with you so you can ask us any questions you might have, and we’ll probably want to ask you a few questions too.  We may like to know more about you, what you’ve done previously, how you see your own Fitness Studio operating, where you’d like to be based and your fitness experience among other things. 


This will be followed up by a phone call. If we both choose to proceed, you’ll be required to come to Wellington for a face-to-face meeting with Shape Shop NZ. 

Once we’re both comfortable, proceed to step 2.

2. Request Pre-License Document

Investigation and fact find stage

The pre-license document provides you with all the templates you need to investigate the viability of owning your Fitness Studio in your chosen area (we'll supply the data from our model studio as a base).  

We’ll walk you through this document with a 2 hour video call or face-to-face meeting depending on where you’re located.


You'll receive:

  1. Profit & Loss forecasting tool

  2. Cash Flow forecasting tool

  3. Detailed explanations on how to use the forecasting tools & how to assess your business expenses, product offerings, client numbers, pricing, attendance and revenue.


We’re happy to assist you with any further information you may require and answer any questions you may have, but you may also want to seek advice from your business advisers to ensure your investigation and fact find are as accurate as possible.


You’ll also get a further opportunity to meet with Linda & Steve, either in person or via video call, to discuss how the Shape Shop fitness studio model can work for you, in your chosen location.

3. Business Set Up

Time to get started

Contact Shape Shop NZ and request proceeding to Licencing.

After issue, you go about finalising your premises, then leave the rest to us. In collaboration with you we’ll order your equipment, set up your templates, commence your marketing program and set up your accounting & administration packages.

We’ll also offer you our expertise around the other equipment you’ll require and make sure your studio office is set up.

A two day site visit to the Shape Shop model Studio is then organised so you can learn first hand how to run the day to day operations of your business.

Open Your Studio

You own your own fitness studio!

Using your operating manual you can now run your Fitness Studio and train clients right from the first day you open your doors.

We’ll be with you for the first few days of opening your studio to ensure everything is running smoothly and answer any questions you have.

Following this, of course we’re available for any questions as they come up. You’ll also be using our Done For You Business Support, Marketing and Nutrition - so there’ll be regular contact.



The license fee is a one off cost $69,000 + GST. 

We anticipate you’ll need approximately an additional $100,000 + GST to get set up, so all up you should be able to set up your Fitness Studio for approximately $169,000 + GST.

To ensure you have every chance of success in your region, we limit the number of studio licenses available in each area.


If you'd like to know more, get in touch with us below.


If you'd like to see how our Masterton model studio operates, check out the rest of this website or visit our socials on Facebook and Instagram. You're also welcome to arrange a visit to our model Masterton studio anytime.


Thanks for submitting!

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0275 498 775


132 Lincoln Rd (entrance on Railway Cres)
Masterton 5810
New Zealand

©2025 by Shape Shop Fitness & Nutrition. Proudly created with

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